Friday, November 16, 2018

পার্ট 6 - How to seed the database with test data using entity framework

Suggested Articles
Part 3 - Entity Framework Code First Approach
Part 4 - Customizing table & column names
Part 5 - How to handle model changes in entity framework

এই আর্টিকেল series এ আমরা database কে সব সময়ই manually test data দিয়ে populating করেছি, মানে sql script দিয়ে database এ data insert এর কাজটা করেছি। Entity Framework এই data insert এর কাজটাকেউ automate করতে পারে। আমরা এই পর্বে পার্ট 5 এর example টা নিয়ে কাজ করবো। Here are the steps -

Step 1: project এর solution explorer এ Right click করে একটা class file add করুন,যার name হবে EmployeeDBContextSeeder.cs

Step 2: নিচের code টুকু Copy করে EmployeeDBContextSeeder.cs file এ paste করুন -
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace EntityFrameworkDemo
    public class EmployeeDBContextSeeder :
        protected override void Seed(EmployeeDBContext context)
            Department department1 = new Department()
                Name = "IT",
                Location = "New York",
                Employees = new List<Employee>()
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Mark",
                        LastName = "Hastings",
                        Gender = "Male",
                        Salary = 60000,
                        JobTitle = "Developer"
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Ben",
                        LastName = "Hoskins",
                        Gender = "Male",
                        Salary = 70000,
                        JobTitle = "Sr. Developer"
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "John",
                        LastName = "Stanmore",
                        Gender = "Male",
                        Salary = 80000,
                        JobTitle = "Project Manager"

            Department department2 = new Department()
                Name = "HR",
                Location = "London",
                Employees = new List<Employee>()
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Philip",
                        LastName = "Hastings",
                        Gender = "Male",
                        Salary = 45000,
                        JobTitle = "Recruiter"
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Mary",
                        LastName = "Lambeth",
                        Gender = "Female",
                        Salary = 30000,
                        JobTitle = "Sr. Recruiter"
            Department department3 = new Department()
                Name = "Payroll",
                Location = "Sydney",
                Employees = new List<Employee>()
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Steve",
                        LastName = "Pound",
                        Gender = "Male",
                        Salary = 45000,
                        JobTitle = "Sr. Payroll Admin",
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Valarie",
                        LastName = "Vikings",
                        Gender = "Female",
                        Salary = 35000,
                        JobTitle = "Payroll Admin",



Step 3: Global.asax file এর Application_Start() method এ নিচের লাইনটা copy করে paste করে দীন

Database.SetInitializer(new EmployeeDBContextSeeder());

Step 4: Employee.cs file থেকে নিচের Table এবং Column attributes remove করে দীন -

এখন Employee class টা দেখতে নিচের মতো হওয়া উচিত
public class Employee
    public int Id { getset; }
    public string FirstName { getset; }
    public string LastName { getset; }
    public string Gender { getset; }
    public int Salary { getset; }
    public int DepartmentId { getset; }
    public Department Department { getset; }
    public string JobTitle { getset; }

Step 5: এখন application  টা run করলে দেখবেন যে, Sample database, Departments এবং Employees tables created হয়েছে এবং test data দিয়ে automatically populated হয়েছে। webForm এ নিচের মতো output আসবে-

How to seed database with test data using entity framework

উপরের explanations আরও ভালভাবে বুঝতে এই video টি একবার দেখে আসুন। ধন্যবাদ।।

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